Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mardi Gras

Wow was Mardi Gras kisk ass! I has an awesome time. Jello shots, daquries, and beaded necklaces how can it get any better? Well with all of the crouds , angry people, and portelets it became to feel rather disgusting. My hands couldn't stay clean and my poor friend I brought with me some how kept falling down. That was great but I felt bad for her, she claiming to keep tripping on her shoes or the cracks in the ground but I think that she needed to quit drinking. My good friend T was there and him being so big and all I got to sit on his sholders during most of the parade. When the Huntington band came down the road and played he danced with me on top of him and we ended up getting on the news, I guess we looked like the ideal Mardi grasers, what fun! There were fights breaking out everywhere and it made you think " Why can't we all just get along and have a great time?" People don't know how to forget all the drama leave it at home and uust party with their friends. Maybe one day they will learn. Too many people end up in jail after a day of fun when alcohol is involved, in a wayI believe it shold be illegal. This weekend should be just as much fun but hopefully even better. Im sure you will hear about it next week, Happy Mardi Gras!!!!!!!!

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