Monday, March 5, 2007

My frustrations

So many things in life make me more than frustrated. People that dont tip every day when I work so hard to wait on them habd and foot. People that dont appreciate the things that you go so far out of your way to do for them. Friends that don't offer gas money when you just took them half way around America and your gas light comes on. Having to go to the gay club every time you go out because the only person that will go with happens to be your only gay friend and refuses to go anywhere else. These are some of the things that are on my mind alot. People are rather frustrating and the things they do and the way they act doesn't help a bit. You wonder "would it help to bring it to these people attention how ridiculous they are?" I used to open my mouth and let them know mut now I realize, It doesn't make a difference, they are just ignorant and thats hpws its gonna be so either get over it or move on with your life. Dont let dumb people get to you. Great advise!!

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